- your own classified ads

PHP Classifieds is one of the first ever Classified ads program based on PHP and MySQL. It has been around for about 20 years. However, this version v7 is built from scratch and uses common code with other programs we make.

PHP Classifieds is used to create your own marketplace and sell new or used products - or just act as an volunteer service for rescue of anmimals. You can also rent out space, properties or whatever you like. Version 7 is back to the roots of simpleness and may not be for everyone from start!

Top Features in PHP Classifieds

Some of the most loved features with out program are:

  • Simple GUI
  • Single screen ad-creation
  • Easy to customize
  • Installs in seconds
  • Powerfull admin-area
  • Tags-support
  • Message system
  • Bootstrap

Limitations in the front-end

Version v7 is written from scratch and 99% of its functionality is in the admin-area, to support further fast develeopment when all things are 100% stable. This means that if you want 100 category templates, custom-fields for different categories, different prices, user-groups, payment for ads and so on - the program is not for you (yet). Check out the demo and deside for yourself. If it fits your need, you will have a easy classifieds system. We use the software ourself for own projects!

Powerfull admin-area

You can basically create your entire classifieds-site from our new admin-area. This is where we have spent most time. You do need to customize the templates to get YOUR site, but we have made it easy with Smarty-templates. They are not overwritten. Same with language - never overwritten and you can see new changes. Upgrade? No problem!


Price is only USD $249 per license per domain.

 your copy today!
Demo Area v7.0
Username: demo
Password: demo

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New version released
01.02.2018 21:18
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01.02.2018 21:18
Website is updated
01.02.2018 21:18
Website is updated
01.02.2018 21:18
Latest Release
New version released
01.02.2018 21:18
Website is updated
01.02.2018 21:18